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Literate Ledger Programming(?) with Org-mode

Literate Ledger Programming(?) with Org-mode

Recently, given the economic hardships presented by the current pandemic, coupled with the fact that I have started making my own money, I have started to keep track of my finances. I have always known that I would use Ledger, the command line account tool, to manage my money. Ledger was created by an Emacs maintainer, which hints to a very good Emacs integration, and indeed =ledger-mode= offers a great environment for editing, reporting and modifying Ledger files. But even though it is a pretty complete major mode, I missed being able to organize it my way. Sure you can use outline-minor-mode or even =outshine=, but I wanted to have it in Org-mode.

I should also note that, from now on, I’ll be referring to editing a source block in a buffer that has all of the content of the final tangled file as editing a source block with context. I actually named it org-contextual-src-mode.

Keep in mind that the title says “Literate Ledger Programming(?)”, but this is (probably) reproducible with any language that you desire. It’s just that I use it mainly for Ledger and, at the point of writing this, have only seen real use for Ledger.

Why not just have it as an Org file?

Well, because there is some value in using ledger-mode (and, thinking about it a little, in other modes as well) with the context of the full file when editing it. In ledger-mode one can, for example, generate reports and get the balance for a single account, as well as having completion based on your previous postings and whatnot. But mostly I guess its because I’ve always wanted to be able to edit a part of a bigger file in Org-mode, and this was the turning point for me to take a jab at it.

I like to have Org-mode help me organize things in my life, and I am having more and more of a tendency to do all things in Emacs and from the things I do in Emacs, the more I can integrate with Org-mode the better. I have also wrote about how I have Org-mode manage my templates previously, and this is going in sort of a similar direction.

It might be worth noting that most of the benefits from using what I describe here can be achieved with setting the variable ledger-master-file on something like .dir-locals.el. This variable being set tells ledger to use that file for reports and balances, instead of the current buffer.

The basics of the setup a.k.a. tl;dr

I’ll try to be brief. I overrode org-edit-src-code with an :around advice that tests if the current element is a source block[fn:1], which is necessary since org-edit-src-code is also used for example blocks, and if the language of the source block is in org-contextual-src-langs which is a variable that holds a list of languages that should consider the context of the whole tangled file when editing. In particular, =”ledger”= is a member of this list, so is =”latex”= in my particular case.

Then, after that’s established, I tangle all source blocks related to the file of the current block, if any (if none, just call the usual org-edit-src-code), and then create a new buffer with the contents of the tangled file, but narrowed to the result of searching the current block’s content in the file. The tangling is necessary since you might be in the middle of editing the block and haven’t tangled yet, in which case the resulting file is incomplete and the search will fail.

How to use it

It is pretty simple:

  1. Add the file org-contextual-src.el to your load-path and call (require 'org-contextual-src).
  2. Set the variable org-contextual-src-langs to the languages you would like to have the context when editing (by default it is set to ~’(“ledger” “latex”)~).
  3. Call org-contextual-src-mode in an Org buffer. The minor mode is buffer-local, so you would call it only on the buffers you would like to have this behavior. Although, if you always want it, it can be achieved with (add-hook 'org-mode-hook #'org-contextual-src-mode).

Let’s get into details

I’ll try to explain my thought process so that you could replicate what I have achieved in your own way, if you wish to do so. I’ll also be providing a gist with this document in Org-mode and the Emacs Lisp file with the whole code.

As a first step, I took a look at what function is being called when issuing the keybinding C-c '= in a source block. Turns out it is =org-edit-special, which is a catch-all function to edit all sorts of blocks and structures within Org-mode. From that, I looked through the definition to figure out the function responsible for editing source blocks, and it so happens that it is org-edit-src-code. This function takes care of editing source blocks and example blocks, but I am only interested in the source block part.

Wrapping org-edit-src-code

In my org-contextual-edit-src (the name I gave for the wrapper of org-edit-src-code), I mimmick most of the behavior of the original function. One minor difference is that the first let-bind gets the information for the :tangle header argument and tries to resolve the file

;; (let (...
      (block-begin (and babel-info (nth 5 babel-info)))
      (tangle (and babel-info (cdr (assq :tangle (nth 2 babel-info)))))         ; (ref:tangle)
      (file (cond                                                               ; (ref:file)
             ((string= tangle "yes")
               (concat (file-name-sans-extension (buffer-name)) "."
                       (or (cdr (assoc lang org-babel-tangle-lang-exts))
             ((string= tangle "no") nil)
             ((> (length tangle) 0)
              (expand-file-name tangle))))
;; ...

The big difference comes when a few conditions are met, in order (at the time of writing this), but not limited to:

  • The argument CODE is nil.

    This argument is only used when calling org-babel-expand-src-block. In this function, the contents of the source block are expanded (noweb references, etc.) and they are passed to org-edit-src-code to be edited. Since we won’t be doing any editing in this case, just call the original function.

  • The current block is a source block.

    As mentioned previously, org-edit-src-code also handles example blocks, but we are only interested in source blocks.

  • The language of the current block is a member of org-contextual-src-langs.

    This variable consists of a list of strings, which in turn are Org Babel languages, for which I would like to have contextual editing. I do so because if in a same file I have some Emacs Lisp source blocks and some Ledger source blocks, I wouldn’t want to have contextual editing for the Emacs Lisp blocks, but would do for the Ledger blocks, so enabling org-contextual-src-mode would give me the desired behavior.

  • The header argument :noweb is no.

    I also don’t want to edit blocks that have noweb references with their context. I rely on searching for the block’s contents in the tangled file in order to narrow the editing buffer to the correct place, so editing a block– with its context–that has a noweb reference, would require me to either expand the reference, in which case the final result that should be written to the source block is going to be the full expanded reference, which goes in the opposite direction of the intentions of noweb references.

  • If a file to be tangled has been identified.

    This is done either through the header argument =:tangle= set to either yes or a filename, or by giving an ID to the source block (=#+name= property or =:noweb-ref= header argument.) I’ll get into a bit more detail later.

If all of these are met, we then tangle all of the blocks for the tangle file of the block at point.

Now comes the most relevant part.

Where the “magic” happens

This is the point where I need to tangle the file. We only ACTUALLY need to tangle if the file was modified, because since we are going to use the contents of the source block to search on the tangled file, that means that if the current Org buffer is modified (checked with (buffer-modified-p)), the resulting tangled file is probably out of date, so update it.

;; tangle only the file associated with the current block if the buffer
;; was not saved
(when (buffer-modified-p)
    (goto-char block-begin)
    (org-babel-tangle '(16))))

Ok so what is really the difference between the usual approach to editing source blocks? It’s actually pretty simple. We save the value of the buffer name for the editing buffer, which is just like the original org-edit-src-code, the contents of the tangled file and the contents of the source block (note here that the original function has an and to check if CODE was given, but we don’t need to do that because of the first point above) in variables on a let*-bind. I store them here because they are used as arguments to org-src--edit-element, but I need some of them after the execution of this function, so I found it easier to just store them on a let and use the values after the execution.

(let* ((buffer-name (or edit-buffer-name
                         (buffer-name) lang)))
       ;; the contents of the tangled file (if we got to here, we have it)
       (file-contents (with-temp-buffer
                        (insert-file-contents file)
                         (point-min) (point-max))))
       ;; the actual contents of the source block.
       (contents (nth 2 (org-src--contents-area elt))))
;; (org-src--edit-element ...)

Inside this let, the first thing we do is call org-src--edit-element. The call is very similar to how org-edit-src-code does it, the only differences being that buffer-name is used instead of the or, since we saved that in a variable, and the contents we give this function is the contents of the tangled file (file-contents).

After the execution of org-src--edit-element, our cursor is (supposedly) on the newly generated edit buffer, with the appropriate name and buffer-local variables, and the contents of the whole file; now all that is left is for us to narrow to the contents of the block:

;; narrow to the relevant part
(with-current-buffer buffer-name
  (let* ((contents-end (search-forward contents))
         (contents-beg (search-backward contents)))
    (narrow-to-region contents-beg contents-end)
    ;; enable it in the editing buffer                                          ; (ref:enable-mode)
    (org-contextual-src-mode t)))

As a small side note, I activate the mode in the editing buffer because I use the fact that this is a contextual editing buffer in other parts of it.

Checking for a file in other blocks

One caveat I found when first implementing this is that if I had, for example, a single source block with a bunch of noweb references to other blocks in other places, if I tried to edit one of these blocks with its context, it would fail, and that forced me to place the blocks in the order in which I wished they would appear in the file. But, since this is Emacs and we’re dealing with Emacs Lisp, of course there is a workaround.

Before[fn:2] checking these points, I check if the file is null, e.g., I couldn’t figure out the file to be tangled from current source block. When that is the case, I have a function that gets the name or noweb reference for the current block, and searchs for <<name-or-ref>>. For each match, check if the we are currently on a source block (it could be an internal link) and if so, extract the file to be tangled. Yeah, this function retrieves the file from the first match of a source block, but I couldn’t figure out how to do it in general, and this seems like it would cover 99.5% of the cases.

(let* (;; ...
       (name-or-ref (or (and (not (string= "" name)) name)                      ; (ref:name-or-ref)
                        ;; or it has a noweb-ref (name has precedence)
                        (cdr (assq :noweb-ref (nth 2 babel-info)))))
       ;; ...
  ;; ...
  (when (not (string= "no" match-tangle))
    (setq file (expand-file-name                                                ; (ref:file-noweb)
                 ((string= match-tangle "yes")
                   (file-name-sans-extension (buffer-name)) "."
                   (or (cdr (assoc lang org-babel-tangle-lang-exts))
                 ((> (length match-tangle) 0) match-tangle))
          block-begin (nth 5 babel-info))))
  (list file block-begin))

A few modifications on other functions

Some other functions had to be advised for it to work. One of those functions was org-edit-src-exit. This function is what is usually bound to =C-c ‘= in the dedicated editing buffer, and is responsible for finishing the editing session, while writing the edited content back on the source block in the Org file. It doesn’t differ much from the original function, but we have to add an advice arround it, so we need to check when to use our modified version, and when to use the original functoh, like so


(defun org-contextual-src-edit-exit (orig-fun &rest args)
  (if (or org-contextual-src--no-context-p
          (not org-contextual-src-mode))
      (apply orig-fun args)
    ;; ...

I only had to change two little things on my custom function: 1. the variable coordinates is populated with org-contextual-src--coordinates, which gets the coordinates in which to put the cursor at the Org buffer, in relation to the a beginning and end position, which are, in the original org-edit-src-exit, 1 as the beginning position, which corresponds to the beginning of the buffer, regardless of narrowing, and (point-max), which is the position of the end of the buffer; however, in our version we would like to consider only the text inside the narrowing, so we simply substitute the 1 for (point-min), and the org-contextual-src--coordinates behaves just like org-src--coordinates but without wrapping it with a org-with-wide-buffer; and 2. set the variable org-contextual-src--no-context-p to nil. More about this variable below.

Another one of those functions was org-src--contents-for-write-back, which is a function that returns the contents that should be written back to the block. This function had to be advised because it was getting the contents of the whole buffer, unwidened, which would mean that the whole final file would be written back to the block. That is obviously not what we want, we want to get the contents of the visible part of the buffer, since we have it already narrowed. I also had to check if we are using the context or not just like here. The rest of the function is exactly like the original org-src--contents-for-write-back, with the exception that the variable contents is initialized with (buffer-string) instead of (org-with-wide-buffer (buffer-string)), similarly to org-contextual-src--coordinates. It is used when either saving or exiting, that’s why we couldn’t change the behavior of it only in the case that we are calling org-contextual-src-edit-exit in a buffer that is considering the context, like we did with org-contextual-src--coordinates.

<<before-advice>> There is only one other function which I have advised, but this one is much simpler. When you issue a command inside a source block, Org actually executes it in a dedicated edit buffer, just like if you have called org-edit-src-code, but invisibly. Because of that, we have to override this behavior in case we are on a block that should be executed with the context. That is because, if everytime we issue a command in a source block we have to actually tangle it, given that we are going to call our org-contextual-edit-src, which tangles all blocks related to the final file, it would be really annoying to edit any source block in the Org file itself, but sometimes for quick edits its just easier to change it right there. The function that does this, org-babel-do-key-sequence-in-edit-buffer, has a :before advice that sets org-contextual-src--no-context-p to t, that’s why all of the functions that are advices check if the mode is on, or if this variable is true.

Defining the minor mode

In order to make it easier to activate this behavior on specific buffers, I gathered the advicing of the functions in a buffer-local minor mode. The body of the minor mode is:

(if org-contextual-src-mode
      (advice-add 'org-edit-src-code :around #'org-contextual-src-edit-code)
      (advice-add 'org-edit-src-exit :around #'org-contextual-src-edit-exit)
      (advice-add 'org-src--contents-for-write-back
                  :around #'org-contextual-src--contents-for-write-back)
      (advice-add 'org-babel-do-key-sequence-in-edit-buffer
      (dolist (func org-contextual-src--narrow-functions)                       ; (ref:disable-narrow)
        (advice-add `,func :around #'org-contextual-src-narrow-advice)))
  (advice-remove 'org-edit-src-code #'org-contextual-edit-src)
  (advice-remove 'org-edit-src-exit  #'org-contextual-edit-src-exit)
  (advice-remove 'org-src--contents-for-write-back
  (advice-remove 'org-babel-do-key-sequence-in-edit-buffer
  (dolist (func org-contextual-src--narrow-functions)
    (advice-add `,func :around #'org-contextual-src-narrow-advice)))

<<disable-narrowing>> I guess I should mention that I also disable any narrowing function inside the contextual editing buffer, because that would mess up how we get the contents to be written in the block with our org-contextual-src--contents-for-write-back.

And done!

Conclusion and caveats

And this is basically it. I know it might have been a lot to digest, and I recognize that I may be wordy most of the time, but I wanted to share this little hack with the world because I feel that many would like to keep their ledger journal in Org-mode but not being able to access the context of the whole file have turned them away.

There are some caveats with it, though. The biggest one is that if these functions ever get changed I would have to reflect the change and adapt the modified code to work as I have intended, though I don’t think this would be much of a problem since this part of Org-mode seems stable enough. Another one of those is that one cannot call any of the narrowing functions, as mentioned above. Another one is that it takes a couple of milliseconds before the editing buffer shows up because of the tangling. But despite them, I am enjoying very much having sort of “the best of both worlds.”

One minor issue that I haven’t yet solved, and don’t know what is causing it, is that calling save-buffer saves the entire file to the source block, instead of just the visible contents of the buffer. In the editing buffer, C-x C-s gets bound to org-edit-src-save, which works as desired without having to advise or anything like that (because we’ve already advised org-src--contents-for-write-back), but calling save-buffer behaves like I mentioned, which might not be ideal.

Ps.: I know that one shouldn’t contribute anything relevant in web forums like Reddit, but I haven’t had the time to setup my blog yet so I’m just posting here for now.


[fn:2] I check it before checking the points becuase one of the checks I didn’t mention is if the file is null, in which case no tangling is happening and we should just use the original function.

[fn:1] I don’t think it would be beneficial to have it working with inline source blocks, but that can be arranged.

;;; org-contextual-src.el --- Edit SRC block with context in Org-mode -*- lexical-bindings: t; -*-
;; Author: João Pedro de Amorim Paula <>
;;; Commentary:
;; This is basically a hack around `org-edit-src-code' that tangles all the
;; blocks for the tangle file of the block at point and then proceeds to create
;; a buffer with a copy of the tangled file so that we can edit this buffer,
;; instead of the real file, narrowed to the block we were interested in. this
;; allows us to have all of the context of the final file, while still editing
;; it as it were just a simple code block in org-mode.
;;; Code:
(require 'ob-tangle)
(require 'org-element)
(require 'org-src)
(defvar org-contextual-src-langs '("ledger" "latex")
"List of Babel languages that should be edited with the context.")
(defvar org-contextual-src--no-context-p nil
"Variable to store if we should use or not the context.")
;; silence byte-compiler
(defvar org-contextual-src-mode)
(defun org-contextual-src-edit-code (orig-fun &optional code edit-buffer-name)
"Edit the source block at point with tangle context.
This is meant to be used as an :around advice on
`org-edit-src-code', so ORIG-FUN is precisely the symbol for the
function, and CODE and EDIT-BUFFER-NAME are the arguments for
If the block has a NAME property or :noweb-ref header arguments,
and has no :tangle header argument, i.e., couldn't determine the
file to be tangled, try to look for a source block that tangles
the current block and tangle the first block that matches the
search and which :tangle is anything other than 'no'."
(let* ((elt (org-element-at-point))
(type (car elt))
(lang (when (eq type 'src-block)
(org-element-property :language elt)))
(lang-f (and (eq type 'src-block) (org-src-get-lang-mode lang)))
(babel-info (and (eq type 'src-block)
(org-babel-get-src-block-info 'light)))
(block-begin (and babel-info (nth 5 babel-info)))
(tangle (and babel-info (cdr (assq :tangle (nth 2 babel-info)))))
(file (cond
((string= tangle "yes")
(concat (file-name-sans-extension (buffer-name)) "."
(or (cdr (assoc lang org-babel-tangle-lang-exts))
((string= tangle "no") nil)
((> (length tangle) 0)
(expand-file-name tangle)))))
;; only try to follow a noweb reference if we couldn't figure out the
;; file to be tangled
(unless file
(let ((file-alist (org-contextual-src--file-from-noweb babel-info)))
(setq file (car file-alist)
block-begin (cadr file-alist))))
;; don't edit with context if any of these conditions are met
(if (or org-contextual-src--no-context-p
(not org-contextual-src-mode) ; the mode is not on
code ; if CODE is not nil, don't bother
(not (eq type 'src-block))
(not (member lang org-contextual-src-langs))
;; doesn't really work with noweb, so this return t if :noweb is
;; not nil or is something other than
(not (string= "no" (cdr (assq :noweb (nth 2 babel-info)))))
(null file))
(apply orig-fun `(,code ,edit-buffer-name))
;; tangle only the file associated with the current block if the buffer
;; was not saved
(when (buffer-modified-p)
(goto-char block-begin)
(org-babel-tangle '(16))))
;; store some values we want to use after
(let* ((buffer-name (or edit-buffer-name
(buffer-name) lang)))
;; the contents of the tangled file (if we got to here, we have it)
(file-contents (with-temp-buffer
(insert-file-contents file)
(point-min) (point-max))))
;; the actual contents of the source block.
(contents (nth 2 (org-src--contents-area elt))))
;; open the edit buffer
(org-src--edit-element elt buffer-name lang-f
(and (null code)
(lambda () (org-escape-code-in-region
(point-min) (point-max))))
;; the contents of the buffer should be the
;; contents of the file
;; narrow to the relevant part
(with-current-buffer buffer-name
(let* ((contents-end (search-forward contents))
(contents-beg (search-backward contents)))
(narrow-to-region contents-beg contents-end)
;; enable it in the editing buffer
(org-contextual-src-mode t))))
;; finalize buffer.
(setq-local org-coderef-label-format
(or (org-element-property :label-fmt elt)
(when (eq type 'src-block)
(setq org-src--babel-info babel-info)
(let ((edit-prep-func (intern (concat "org-babel-edit-prep:" lang))))
(when (fboundp edit-prep-func)
(funcall edit-prep-func babel-info))))
(defun org-contextual-src--file-from-noweb (babel-info)
"Get the tangle file for current block.
Search for the first match of the noweb reference, which is
either the value of the header argument :noweb-ref or the NAME
for the current block, and return the file it is supposed to
tangle to. BABEL-INFO is the result of
The return value of this function is an alist whose `car' is the
file name and `cdr' is the position of the first match."
(let* ((lang (nth 0 babel-info))
(name (nth 4 babel-info))
;; block has a name so return it
(name-or-ref (or (and (not (string= "" name)) name)
;; or it has a noweb-ref (name has precedence)
(cdr (assq :noweb-ref (nth 2 babel-info)))))
file block-begin match-pos match-info match-tangle)
(when name-or-ref
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (null file)
(setq match-pos (search-forward
(org-babel-noweb-wrap name-or-ref) nil 'noerror)
match-info (and (eq (car (org-element-at-point)) 'src-block)
(org-babel-get-src-block-info 'light))
match-tangle (cdr (assq :tangle (nth 2 match-info))))
;; we found a use of the reference of the block, now we need
;; to check if it is supposed to tangle or not
(when (not (string= "no" match-tangle))
(setq file (expand-file-name
((string= match-tangle "yes")
(file-name-sans-extension (buffer-name)) "."
(or (cdr (assoc lang org-babel-tangle-lang-exts))
((> (length match-tangle) 0) match-tangle)))
block-begin (nth 5 match-info))))))
(list file block-begin)))
(defun org-contextual-src--contents-for-write-back (orig-fun &rest args)
"Like `org-src--contents-for-write-back' but be context aware.
This is meant to be used as an :around advice on
`org-src--contents-for-write-back', so that's why ORIG-FUN and
ARGS are its arguments.
The only difference compared to
`org-src--contents-for-write-back' is that the variable
'contents' is just `buffer-string', without
(if (or org-contextual-src--no-context-p
(not org-contextual-src-mode))
(apply orig-fun args)
(let ((indentation-offset
(if org-src--preserve-indentation 0
(+ (or org-src--block-indentation 0)
(if (equal org-src--source-type 'src-block)
(use-tabs? (and (> org-src--tab-width 0) t))
(source-tab-width org-src--tab-width)
(contents (buffer-string))
(write-back org-src--allow-write-back))
;; reproduce indentation parameters from source buffer.
(setq indent-tabs-mode use-tabs?)
(when (> source-tab-width 0) (setq tab-width source-tab-width))
;; apply WRITE-BACK function on edit buffer contents.
(insert (org-no-properties contents))
;; we sometimes need to add 1 newline because we have a part of
;; buffer, and not a complete buffer with the newline that Emacs adds
(unless (and (goto-char (point-max)) (bolp) (eolp))
(newline 1))
(goto-char (point-min))
(when (functionp write-back) (save-excursion (funcall write-back)))
;; add INDENTATION-OFFSET to every non-empty line in buffer,
;; unless indentation is meant to be preserved.
(when (> indentation-offset 0)
(while (not (eobp))
(skip-chars-forward " \t")
(unless (eolp) ;ignore blank lines
(let ((i (current-column)))
(delete-region (line-beginning-position) (point))
(indent-to (+ i indentation-offset))))
(defun org-contextual-src--coordinates (pos beg end)
"Like `org-src--coordinates' but don't widen.
POS, BEG and END are the same as in `org-src--coordinates'."
(if (>= pos end) 'end
(goto-char (max beg pos))
(cons (count-lines beg (line-beginning-position))
;; column is relative to the end of line to avoid problems of
;; comma escaping or colons appended in front of the line.
(- (current-column)
(progn (end-of-line) (current-column))))))
(defun org-contextual-src-edit-exit (orig-fun &rest args)
"Like `org-edit-src-exit' but context aware.
This is meant to be used as an :around advice on
`org-edit-src-exit', so that's why ORIG-FUN and ARGS are its
The only difference compared to `org-edit-src-exit', is that the
variable 'coordinates' is the value of calling
`org-contextual-src--coordinates', instead of
`org-src--coordinates', with `point-min' instead of 1."
(if (or org-contextual-src--no-context-p
(not org-contextual-src-mode))
(apply orig-fun args)
(unless (org-src-edit-buffer-p) (error "Not in a sub-editing buffer"))
(let* ((beg org-src--beg-marker)
(end org-src--end-marker)
(write-back org-src--allow-write-back)
(remote org-src--remote)
(coordinates (and (not remote)
(point) (point-min) (point-max))))
(code (and write-back (org-src--contents-for-write-back))))
(set-buffer-modified-p nil)
;; switch to source buffer. kill sub-editing buffer.
(let ((edit-buffer (current-buffer))
(source-buffer (marker-buffer beg)))
(unless source-buffer (error "Source buffer disappeared. Aborting"))
(org-src-switch-to-buffer source-buffer 'exit)
(kill-buffer edit-buffer))
;; insert modified code. ensure it ends with a newline character.
(when (and write-back (not (equal (buffer-substring beg end) code)))
(delete-region beg end)
(let ((expecting-bol (bolp)))
(insert code)
(when (and expecting-bol (not (bolp))) (insert "\n")))))
;; if we are to return to source buffer, put point at an
;; appropriate location. in particular, if block is hidden, move
;; to the beginning of the block opening line.
(unless remote
(goto-char beg)
;; block is hidden; move at start of block.
((cl-some (lambda (o) (eq (overlay-get o 'invisible) 'org-hide-block))
(overlays-at (point)))
(beginning-of-line 0))
(write-back (org-src--goto-coordinates coordinates beg end))))
;; clean up left-over markers and restore window configuration.
(set-marker beg nil)
(set-marker end nil)
(when org-src--saved-temp-window-config
(set-window-configuration org-src--saved-temp-window-config)
(setq org-src--saved-temp-window-config nil)))))
;; reset the value of this variable regardless of contextual editing or not
(setq org-contextual-src--no-context-p nil))
(defun org-contextual-src-do-key-sequence-in-edit-buffer-advice (&rest _)
"Set `org-contextual-src--no-context-p' to t.
This is meant to be used as a :before advice on
`org-babel-do-key-sequence-in-edit-buffer'. If this function was
called, that means that we don't want to execute the key sequence
in an edit buffer, since that would imply that we would tangle
and all of that."
(setq org-contextual-src--no-context-p t))
(defun org-contextual-src-narrow-advice (orig-fun &rest args)
"Function to be used as :around advice on narrowing functions.
This function is supposed to wrap `narrow-to-region',
`narrow-to-defun', `narrow-to-page' and `widen'. This is supposed
to check if the current buffer is a source editing buffer and if
`org-contextual-src-mode' is non-nil. On the contrary, just call
the usual function. ORIG-FUN and ARGS are what is necessary to
call the original function."
(if (and (fboundp 'org-src-edit-buffer-p)
(user-error "Narrowing or widening not allowed in contextual editing")
(apply orig-fun args)))
(defvar org-contextual-src--narrow-functions
'(narrow-to-defun narrow-to-page narrow-to-region widen)
"Narrowing functions that should be advised.
Symbols in this list are expected to be functions and won't work
on editing buffer for contextual editing.")
(define-minor-mode org-contextual-src-mode
"Edit Org-mode files in a separate buffer with all tangled blocks.
What this means, is that if you're editing a source block in
Org-mode that is going to be tangled, when using
`org-edit-special', if the block's language is in
`org-contextual-src-langs', then the editing buffer is actually
the whole tangled file narrowed, using `narrow-to-region', to the
relevant part."
:global nil
:lighter " OrgCtxSrc"
(if org-contextual-src-mode
(advice-add 'org-edit-src-code :around #'org-contextual-src-edit-code)
(advice-add 'org-edit-src-exit :around #'org-contextual-src-edit-exit)
(advice-add 'org-src--contents-for-write-back
:around #'org-contextual-src--contents-for-write-back)
(advice-add 'org-babel-do-key-sequence-in-edit-buffer
(dolist (func org-contextual-src--narrow-functions)
(advice-add `,func :around #'org-contextual-src-narrow-advice)))
(advice-remove 'org-edit-src-code #'org-contextual-edit-src)
(advice-remove 'org-edit-src-exit #'org-contextual-edit-src-exit)
(advice-remove 'org-src--contents-for-write-back
(advice-remove 'org-babel-do-key-sequence-in-edit-buffer
(dolist (func org-contextual-src--narrow-functions)
(advice-add `,func :around #'org-contextual-src-narrow-advice))))
(provide 'org-contextual-src)
;;; org-contextual-src.el ends here
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